Extreme Actor is a New Breed of Reality TV That We Really Need Right Now
Reality TV. Love it or hate it, it’s one of the most lucrative areas of the entertainment industry and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Reality TV. Love it or hate it, it’s one of the most lucrative areas of the entertainment industry and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Growing up, James Mullinger was the quiet kid in class who was intimidated to speak to the other kids and did not have many friends.
Growing up in New York City, Dafina Roberts did not see many shows that reflected New Yorkers living their fullest lives, especially not from the
With a tiny crew, a low budget and 12 days to film, JC Calciano directed his first film Is It Just Me?. Growing up, he
Always strive for better work. Never stop learning. Have fun a clear plan for a new project or just an idea on a napkin? Sky, land, and sea disappear together out of the world…
Kimberly Young is the creator behind the romantic comedy show 2 Self Help Books Away From Being Perfect. It was inspired by Kimberly Young’s own
Always strive for better work. Never stop learning. Have fun a clear plan for a new project or just an idea on a napkin? Sky, land, and sea disappear together out of the world…
Through the film Home Away, Hannah Yohannes brings to screen the story of a young black woman who gets pregnant and turns to a youth
The Ex started as a thought experiment in 2008 with Elvis Deane’s improv troupe at the time. Could he shoot a feature film in the