HD is the standard for titles on Fearless. With the exception of older titles, titles that are experimental in nature, and titles that contain additional footage (ie: documentaries), the vast majority of the Fearless library is served in HD by default.
4K is now becoming widely adopted by both filmmakers and viewers alike. While older content typically is not in 4K, newer content tends to often be available in 4K on Fearless. Whether or not a title is available in 4K depends on if the filmmaker created the film as such. Fearless encourages filmmakers to make 4K content and we will continue to add more 4K content in time until 4K eventually becomes our new default in the future.
8K and Beyond
At this point in time, it is rare for content on Fearless to be in 8K. We believe that this will change in the future as 8K is more widely adopted but as of now, there are not many titles on Fearless available in 8K.