Welcome to the Fearless Brand Guide. Here you’ll find an in-depth account of our Brand Usage requirements and downloads of key graphics.
This kit is intended for Fearless Creators, Fearless Channel Owners, and members of the press. Please ensure you understand what constitutes acceptable use based on any agreements you may have with Fearless.
Fearless Logo
Below are the Fearless logos to be used for digital purposes. They can be downloaded as PNG, JPEG, or SVG at the bottom of this documentation.
Fearless Icon
The Fearless icon should be used when you are attempting to represent the Fearless app.

Fearless Badges
These badges can be used to help communicate to viewers that a movie or show is available to stream on Fearless.
Colour Pallette
Fearless is green, but celebrates inclusivity with accent colours all of the time. While the logo and icon must always remain in the original green colour, accent elements can employ any of the Fearless accent colours.
Fearless Primary Colours
The Fearless Green can be showcased either as a gradient or a solid green colour. Black and the Fearless Mood gradient are used for backgrounds or informational items.

Fearless Accent Colours

Using the Fearless Brand in Text
The Fearless brand should always be referred to in textual situations with a capital F and a lowercase “earless.” Only the logo has a lowercase F, but in documents, articles or textual representations, it must always be written as “Fearless”
When describing content that is available on Fearless, one of the following two approved phrases should be used.
- Now Streaming on Fearless
- Watch it on Fearless
Fearless Font
Only Fearless and authorized partners should use the Fearless font which is a premium licensed font. Contact us if you believe you require use of the Fearless font.
Fearless GIFs & GIF Stickers
Fearless GIFs and Stickers are VERY popular and growing in usage everyday. You too may use Fearless GIFs in your marketing provided you don’t infringe on anyone’s copyright. When possible, do your best to attribute which show or movie the GIF is from.
Brand Usage Guidelines
In order to use the elements of the Fearless brand, you must comply with the following:
- Do not change the colour of the Fearless logo or icon. The core Fearless brand is always green. In circumstances where colour would be inaproriate, the all-black or all-white versions may be used. Do not attempt to make the logo ANY other colour.
- Do not alter the aspect ratio. The Fearless logo should not be stretched, compressed or any other manipulation that alters the look of the logo or icon.
- Do not imply sponsorship.Avoid using the logo in any manner that would imply sponsorship unless you have express written consent from Fearless.
- Don’t make your own versions of the logo.
- Not sure we need to explain this one.Only use approved wording. If you need to use wording that is not expressly granted in this documentation, you must request permission for such use.
- Ensure inclusivity is upheld. Do not allow the Fearless logo or icon to appear next to, on, or in any content or visuals that imply homophobia, sexism, racism, ableism, or other discriminatory practices.
- Don’t use “watchfearless”. @watchfearless is our username on social media (and we love it), but it is NOT the name of our streaming service and we should never be referred to as Watch Fearless (or any variation thereof) except for the express purposes of encouraging people to connect on social media – ie: “Follow @watchfearless on Instagram” is an acceptable use.
- Do not include pricing or exact trial details. Pricing and free trials may change from time to time. Avoid using exact prices or free trial lengths and instead, simply mention either “Watch it on Fearless” or “Now Streaming on Fearless” to encourage adoption.
- Do not use our old logo. The old Fearless logo (red inside of a lopsided rectangle) is deprecated and should no longer be used.
By downloading the materials linked below, you hereby agree to the Brand Usage Guidelines and understand that access to these materials can be revoked by Fearless at any time should you break these terms and conditions.